Tarpon Time in Tampa Bay!!!
Tarpon, TARPON, TARPON!!!! Tarpon have been on my mind ever since the big schools left last year. Well, Tarpon Time is here again! Last week we strung together consecutive days of 5 or more Tarpon ranging from 60-120 lbs. The bait is right where it should be and the Tarpon are ready to eat. We have been hooking them around the bridges and seeing them on the beaches and passes as well. This is just the beginning and it is only going to get better over the next few months. Read More
Last Week: Tarpon and Cobia between the storms!
Well, the weather made it hard to get out last week, but it did afford us a few windows to get out and get on some big fish! Some early season Tarpon are making a welcome appearance and we have hooked fish on every attempt so far. They have all been in the 50-100 lb. class, which in my opinion are some of the most fun to catch.
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